Until now, you have been a renegade in your own Silent Mutiny without much organization, and that is just fine. You are already a hero. You can stop here if you prefer to go it alone.
However, if you are passionate about taking down uncontrolled greed and obscene income inequality and saving the planet for humankind and you are also either good at leadership, organization, or business, then you can assume your roles as a Nuclear Renegade. The Nuclear Renegade is someone who can energetically recruit talent, organize, and run groups of other passionate people dedicated to the cause.
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1. Set up a national spokesperson for the Silent Mutiny movement..
2. Set up and operate Silent Mutiny appliance repair and recycling centers.
3. Set up and operate SilentMutiny goodwill and share centers.
4. Set up and operate Silent Mutiny barter centers.
5. Organize consumer anonymous self-help groups and renegade education groups and team up with other social activist groups.
6. Establishing educational and support clubs for the high school-educated working class to build their self-esteem and self-confidence, believe in their importance to society, develop their personal and interpersonal skills, and encourage them to organize and improve their own work conditions.
7. Establish educational and advising centers to help young people learn how to stay out of debt and start investing at an early age. This is important for young couples, too, as they prepare to have children and take care of their children's future educations, making sure they stay out of debt educating themselves.
Setting these up with like-minded people will make you Nuclear Renegade heroes and they will also make you non-violent headaches for the establishment. Do so with care under the cover of helping the needy. These cells of renegades “friends of the earth” can sprout up around the world. If one-third of you today followed these directives, you could pull the reins back on unbridled consumption and create a new world. This includes working with other groups aiming for climate reform and social justice.
People read about Solidarity Economics in Comic Book Form to get a better understanding; https://drive.google.com/file/d/18txXiTh9td-QmjfvkUNrYJPyRQ8u-9Q0/view.