Page 103 of American First (Project Twenty Twenty-Five) outlines a plan to run ROTC programs and give military tests to young men in government-supported secondary schools (high schools). By now, you can see that they intend to put as much of these plans in place as they can.
In my opinion, that means the rich kids able to afford private schools don't have to pay doctors to say they have bone spurs to get out of military service anymore. Your boys, however, if they are going to public school, will now have to go to war against brown people who, by the way, don't threaten your constitution or your freedoms in any way, shape, or form. That also means they are undermining public education to get a very cheap labor force to dig all those sweet potatoes and fix all of those roofs for them.
If you have read my blog or my book, you know that I advocate refusing to give birth until you get the Supreme Court you want. I also recommend many other safe but powerful passive-aggressive measures to get big money and religion out of politics in the renegades section of the Silent Mutiny. You no longer have a White House, a Senate, a Congress, or a Supreme Court to protect you. So, you might as well join the Silent Mutiny trade war and cut their access to money and power.
Also, you should know that the plan is to run women and gay people out of the military, which would be okay because who wants to die fighting for a bunch of billionaires who don't want to protect us?! However, you should know that they will use this later to deny women and
gay people human rights such as fair access to jobs, housing, care, education, etc. If you have read the plan, you will realize that they are dead serious in what they want to do. Now that they have all branches of government in their pockets, they have got the country by the proverbial cojones or, as one future president would say, by the pushy.
My book, the Silent Mutiny, shows you what you can do as an individual to safely and powerfully protect your countrymen, your freedoms, and your rights. We need a movement to get big money and religion out of politics or lose something very precious to us. Read my book, The Silent Mutiny, and become a renegade today.